Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wuthering Heights pt.2 Ending

Good evening,
First of all, 'Wuthering Heights' is a good book. Even though it was written in the 19th century it has a very nice flow once you get to understand what is actually taking place in the book. I really like the ending of the book because sadly Healthcliff ends up dying but Cathy and Hareton marries each other which I thought was a very sweet way to end a book. for this blog I will be rewriting the scene on page 14 to 15 from Cathy's point of view.

{'This chair is bleedin' bored.' I thought as I sat in this chair sipping some tea, looking at the textures of the ceiling. 'Healthcliff treats me so badly, and all I asked was 'Must tea?'' I don't get it. All I did was ask was he (Lockwood) to have any tea. I was very proper of me to ask before I gave him some. Healthcliff though has been acting very angry towards me for what did I ever do to him. “Maister, Maister, he's staling t' lantern!' shouted Joseph. I then constantly hear hounds barking, something must be going on with that Lockwood guy.

I see Healthcliff and Hareton walk past me, so I decide to get up and go take a look for myself. I can barely see anything yet I see Mr. Lockwood on the floor badly bruised by those hounds. How horrible of those hounds! To be truly honest I never really like dogs. They always reminded me of Healthcliff, very fierce indeed.

Zillah then rushed past me and cried “Well, Mr. Earnshaw, I wonder what you'll have agait next. Are we going to murder folk on our very door-stones?” “Yes I muttered loud enough so only I can hear. Its about time something interesting happens because I am sick of of Wuthering Heights. “...Come in and I'll cure that. There now, hold ye still.' After a well quarter from the hour, I saw Zillah ushering Mr. Lockwood upstairs.}

The reason that I chose this scene to do was because during pages 12-13 there was an incident about whether Lockwood was to have tea or not. To me, this was very interesting because we also had no part with Cathy during this incident on page 14 and I decided that we could hear what Cathy had to say and what she did when all of this was happening.

When it comes to Lakshmi Krishnan about putting Wuthering Heights in the vampire category and I think that her argument is not convincing enough because even though they share characteristics they do show sympathy and not just death, death and death as her topic is 'Gothic Literature'.

Land inheritance had a big part in this novel. One way that Healthcliff got ownership of Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Height was by marriage and Debts. The way Healthcliff got Wuthering Heights was by debts that his step brother couldn't pay and he got Thrushcross Grange was by making Cathy and Linton marry each other then when Linton died ( Healthcliff intentionally let him die by restricting any medical aid while sick) Healthcliff inherited all of the property. Yet when Healthcliff dies Hareton owns both of the estates because he is next in line for them.

Overall, If I chose a 1 through 10, I would choose an 8. I chose this number because the thing was that this story was very good yet I think the language in this novel was mildly complicated to understand and for me it seemed like it took me forever to finish the book.


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